Hookside Szerelmem at Facanvadasz Amira is a fantastic bitch and a pleasure to own. She works daily with my hawk and ferrets where she has had a massive impact on my sport never failing to produce game. You will also find her on three local shoots where she is a firm favourite with the guns, she is an exceptional retriever and hunts very well in any situation. She has had many successes in the show ring including qualifying for Crufts 2018 and winning a CAC in the Czech Republic. You will also find her at working tests and field trials where she competes at an open level. Last but not least she is a loving and loyal part of my family of six where she is dearly loved by all of us!
Facanvadasz Bambi is the combination of two truly dual purpose lines and it shows. She was second in her first working test at just 7 months, she also qualified for crufts at her very first championship show, also lacing at many more. She is a solid, well muscled bitch. She has developed lovely brown eyes and her coat is a nice russet gold. Bambi is a powerful hunter, she takes in a lot of ground! She has a lovely point and is steady to the flush. She is also an excellent retriever and has been in the field since 9 months. She has retrieved all manner of game and has been shot over many times. Bambi is very affectionate and craves attention she would lie on her back forever having her tummy tickled. She is very good with children and other animals.